Monday, November 12, 2007

Well, it finally happened.

On Saturday evening, as I entered our beautiful mall through the Borders entrance, an incident occurred that was inevitable - though bizarre.

As I walked up to the automatic doors I started my usual routine of moving my arms a little brisker - stretching my legs a bit longer so to activate the 'sensors' that open so easily for other people. This little routine may look bizarre, but at least the doors eventually open and I walk in seemingly as if any other individual would. But not this night.

This night, God allowed the inevitable to occur. As I walked closer and closer to the glass door with the clearly marked 'Automatic Door' sign I realized that my secret would finally be revealed. (With children playing immediately inside the entrance no less!) I continued to walk forward as if everything would work out in the end but, alas it did not. My right hand which I had propped out in front of me 'just in case' landed squarely against the glass. I had to MANUALLY propel the door forward. I tried to look as shocked as possible, but inside I thought to myself 'well, it finally happened.' The mechanically power door with its embedded computer chip that 'supposedly' picks up on whatever human element that is emitted to signal 'hey there's an object approaching, open the door' failed at this most basic function.

I'm almost happy it happened. It confirms that I posses or lack something that others do not have. Young children...infants actually always take note of me passing by. They cannot help but stare in awe as I approach or leave from their view. My mom thinks I must 'be special' as she had noted this occurrence as I was a young child. Babies just can't NOT look at me and follow me around. She thinks I posses some type of Aura or emit some type of energy that makes me just a bit different from anyone else. - A mother's love I scoffed. I'm just weird. But now I think she may be onto something...maybe there is something special about me.

Maybe I really am a Jedi.

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